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$ wjwei --help

Name: Wenjie Wei🇨🇳

Version: 2024-9-6

Usage: wjwei [OPTIONS] <COMMANDS>

🧬Play biological problems with code. Years of experience in bioinformatics analysis, working in the field of genomics.
🛠️Get my hands dirty! Always be a rookie and stay hungry. Enjoy contributing to the bioinfo community.
🙌Work hard, play harder! Enjoy dopamine and endorphins from nature🏞, food🥑, coffee☕️, movies🎥, music🎧 and sports🏋.
👨‍🎓Master student of Crop genomics in the National Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, HZAU.
💎PhD candidate of WestLake University.
💡Interested in: 1.graph-pan-genome 2.complex phenotye ~ multi omics 3.database/tools.
🎮Hundreds of hours of Zelda/Pokemon/Stardew Valley

-l, --linux 💻Unix/Commmand Line/Fish enthusiast [default: true]
-r, --rust 🦀YES! I'm a Rustacean! [default: true]
-p, --python 🐍Use for Django && quickly develop simple scripts. [default: true]
-v, --visualize 📊Prefer vega-lite/R for data presentation. [default: true]
-f, --frontend 🌐Stay at the basic stage for Vue/React, just google. [default: false]